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Posted: Fri 20. Sep 2019, 13:42
by Andi67
By Ben.

This plugin turns alltalk on when enabled and when round is won. It turns if off when bonusround is over and if a certain number of players are playing. Once alltalk is off it stays off until next roundwin then it checks number of players again. The plugin also adds a chatcommand for info about alltalk-settings.

(I have been asked for as many have difficulties to config the Simple Alltalk Manager for dod:source that's why I quickly made this one.)


[*] dod_alltalkmanager_enabled - <1/0> = Enable/disable Alltalkmanager. (Default: 1)
[*] dod_alltalkmanager_minplayers - <2-32> = Required minimum number of players to turn alltalk off (Default: 12)
[*] dod_alltalkmanager_delaytime - <5-120> = number of seconds since roundwin alltalk stays enabled (Default: 25)
[*] dod_alltalkmanager_changemessage - <1/0> = enable/disable displaying Messages when alltalk-settings have been changed (Default: 1)
[*] dod_alltalkmanager_spawnmessage - <0/1/2> = 0: no spawnnotification / 1: notify about alltalk only during delaytime / 2: always notify about alltalk (Default: 1)

[*] dod_alltalkmanager_enablesounds - <0/1> = enable/disable Sounds when alltalk-settings have been changed (Default: 0)
[*] dod_alltalkmanager_onsound - <PATH> = when sounds are enabled insert path to soundfile (Default: "weapons/ar2/ar2_reload_push.wav")
[*] dod_alltalkmanager_offsound - <PATH> = when sounds are enabled insert path to soundfile (Default: "weapons/ar2/ar2_reload_rotate.wav")


!alltalk - Shows current alltalk settings