
Plugins für Dods
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Postby Andi67 » Fri 20. Sep 2019, 21:20

DoD:S Hide & Seek (by Andersso, Dave223 & Root) + FR version

Give some fun with your friends to play this mod !

Be a piano, a chair or the model you choose and try to hide yourself as the seekers will come to find you !!!!

CVARS (autocreated) in cfg folder
"sm_hidenseek_enabled" "1" Enable/Disable Hide & Seek.
"sm_hidenseek_winlimit" "4" Maximum amount of rounds until mapchange.
"sm_hidenseek_hidetime" "90" How long time hiders have to hide at roundstart. (In seconds)
"sm_hidenseek_infopanel" "1" Show the info panel to clients when they connect.
"sm_hidenseek_menuselection" "1" Whether or not allow players to select model from menu once
"sm_hidenseek_roundtime" "360" How long time each round takes. (In seconds)
"sm_hidenseek_minplayers" "6" "Minumum amount of people to start Hide & Seek"
"sm_hidenseek_beacon_lastman" "1" Enable/Disable last man beacon.
"sm_hidenseek_beacon_roundtimer" "1" Enable/Disable roundtimer beacon.
"sm_hidenseek_beacon_oneminleft" "1" Amount of beacons when it's one minute left.
"sm_hidenseek_beacon_twominleft" "2" Amount of beacons when it's two minutes left.
"sm_hidenseek_beacon_lastman_interval" "30" Delay between the beacons when it's last man.
Hide & Seek 0.6.6 -
(586.36 KiB) Downloaded 1828 times
Hide & Seek
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Joined: Fri 8. Nov 2013, 09:47

Re: dod_hide_and_seek!!!

Postby newbie4 » Wed 2. Oct 2019, 09:41

the version have error , when the player leaves the server, the game continues, without the seeker
but I modified it a bit, made min 2 instead of 3 players, to launch the mod.

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