Hi Andy,
I have installed the spiderman-eot model on my server - but I get a red error sign with the following log info:
L 06/25/2016 - 22:22:52: SourceMod error session started
L 06/25/2016 - 22:22:52: Info (map "aim_ag_texture2_csgo") (file "errors_20160625.log")
L 06/25/2016 - 22:22:52: [SM] Native "SetEntProp" reported: Cannot set m_iItemIDLow with "FollowCSGOServerGuidelines" option enabled.
L 06/25/2016 - 22:22:52: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "WCS.smx":
L 06/25/2016 - 22:22:52: [SM] [0] Line 32094, C:\Users\Frank\Desktop\150616 WCS Update\sourcemod\scripting\WCS.sp::SetWeaponSkin()
L 06/25/2016 - 22:22:52: [SM] [1] Line 32074, C:\Users\Frank\Desktop\150616 WCS Update\sourcemod\scripting\WCS.sp::Command_WeaponSkin()
L 06/25/2016 - 22:23:18: [SM] Native "SetEntProp" reported: Cannot set m_iItemIDLow with "FollowCSGOServerGuidelines" option enabled.
L 06/25/2016 - 22:23:18: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "WCS.smx":
L 06/25/2016 - 22:23:18: [SM] [0] Line 32094, C:\Users\Frank\Desktop\150616 WCS Update\sourcemod\scripting\WCS.sp::SetWeaponSkin()
L 06/25/2016 - 22:23:18: [SM] [1] Line 32074, C:\Users\Frank\Desktop\150616 WCS Update\sourcemod\scripting\WCS.sp::Command_WeaponSkin()
L 06/25/2016 - 22:24:04: [SM] Native "SetEntProp" reported: Cannot set m_iItemIDLow with "FollowCSGOServerGuidelines" option enabled.
Iam currently running sourcemod - Version "1.7.3-dev+5302" - maybe I need to upgrade sourcemod or not? Any thoughts?